Monday, December 15, 2014

A Pretty Perfect Day.

It's been way too long since my last post and I promise myself to do it more often. It's not only therapeutic but the 15 minutes it takes to put together will be priceless 15 years from now.

Michal had it covered.
My wonderful new/old friend Michal and I are experimenting with kid swapping and it's pretty terrific! We each get the fun on watching our kids play together and some free time so it's a win-win all around. Today was her turn to watch my hooligans and it just so happens that David had the day off.
My handsome husband!

We pretty much drove up to Michal's door and tossed the kids out of the car and sped away. Just kidding. We slowed down first. Ha! The first destination was Kohl's then David actually agreed to go to TJ Maxx with me. Pigs must have flown over the house last night.
We continued shopping until we finished with our Christmas list! We've made a vow not to buy the kids anything else before then so we will see how that goes. If anyone reading this is without children, my advice is to never build Christmas up too early. That sets expectations high and it's difficult to lower them. It was nothing to spend $500 on one or two children, but with four that's no longer possible. Plus as most parents believe, the materialism of Christmas has gotten out of hand. Whew, that was my lesson for the day apparently.

After we got home I nursed Annabelle and put her to sleep so the bigger kids and I could make peppermint hand scrubs for teachers and nursery workers at church. They do so much for my kids and we love them dearly, so a small token of appreciation was definitely in order.

I googled a recipe and we got to working. Christopher was tested with multiplication of a recipe and he quickly became bored a retreated to his room. Madelyn grabbed a spoon without me knowing and began eating the sugar. Charlie found a brown paper bag and started using it as a suitcase for every toy she could find... I was left to make scrub by myself. At least until it came time for the fun part, putting it into the containers. I'm pretty impressed and wish I would have bought another container for myself! Peppermint oil is a favorite of mine and my house smelled like heaven.

Now it's time to get the house picked up, get the girls ready to go stay the night with grandma, pick up Greyson and take the boys to wrestling. It's been a pretty perfect day. God is great and he has given me so much more than I will ever deserve. I honestly try to show God's love whenever I can and it makes me feel closer to him.

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
Christopher put the ipad away to help. This is big!

This little girl steals my heart when she says "mama I wanna hewp you."

Don't worry, the sugar I caught her sticking her tongue in was thrown away.

This was the best part!

The color is off  because these are a beautiful mint hue. It was very easy and I hope they bring smiles to
our favorite people's faces.

Love always,


  1. Lisa, This is great. I am proud of you!

  2. Thank you Ella. It's something I know I will look back on later and smile.

  3. Amazing what a little bit of free time does for you, right? Sounds like so much fun! And how cute are those scrubs???

  4. For sure Jenna! I love my kids so much my heart aches but with 2 kids who don't sleep through the night and one that's still nursing I'm tired! David does his very best to help me on his lunch break but this is for sure needed! The cost to put 3 kids into a mothers day out program is outrageous. This may be only a few hours every 2-3 weeks but they're needed to make me a better mom. It's a blessing from God....And it was Michal's idea so I can't take credit.
