Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Day In The Life.

I got this idea from another blog and thought it would be fun to look back on one day. I probably shouldn't have chosen today but it happened, so here we go.

Annabelle and I co-sleep because I think I would go insane if we didn't. I try not to look at the clock every time she wakes me up to nurse because honestly it's just extra frustrating. I will say my day started at 7:30 because that's when I actually knew what time it was. I nursed Annabelle and must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I knew Christopher and Charlie got in my bed and it was 9:15. Charlie said "I need go potty mama," and after I realized she took her diaper off and was on my bed naked, I jumped up and asked Christopher to take her to the bathroom.

When Christopher was back I put him in charge of watching Annabelle while I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Today was going to be a no shower day and I quickly accepted that. But mass chaos happens in my bathroom and bedroom unless I do what needs to be done then lock the door.

I try my hardest to let Christopher be a kid when he's home. I honestly despise the "Dugger" style of parenting as I call it, but some days I use Christopher more than I'd like to. Today was going to be one of those days. We were planning on going to Little Giggles so I needed to get everyone dressed, fed, baby bag packed, snacks packed, and the house sort of picked up before we left. Madelyn stayed at my mom's last night so it was one less child, but it still takes a LONG time to get ready to leave my house. Especially when Charlie has now entered the phase of not wanting to wear a diaper even though she is not potty trained.

Just as soon as I had everything packed and ready, Christopher and Charlie were in the car, Annabelle has a blow out...Everywhere!

Little Giggles was a bust. I think they are bored of it now because no one was having fun and they were not listening or following directions. David brought McDonald's and no one was eating. Annabelle was nursed twice, put into the carrier, rocked, but nothing was working. I quickly asked David to help me get them in the car and we left. It was a waste of $35.00 for sure.

I get home and my first thought is that it's nap time! Annabelle is highly distracted these days when nursing so I try to take her into my room and lie down with her until she falls asleep. During that time Charlie took her clothes off and got in the baby pool in the backyard...
Charlie was next and she fought me tooth and nail. She refused to put a diaper on and I had zero energy left, so she is sleeping with panties on. It will just add to the mother load of laundry that's waiting on me.

It's now time for a deep sigh and strength from God because there is a lot of stuff to get done.

I turn on a movie for Madelyn and Christopher. I feel bad that I'm not giving Madelyn one on one time so I give her an ice cream cone and turn on Lilo and Stitch. Christopher wants to go to a friend's house and I let him but he comes back a few minutes later saying they're not home. So Madelyn is now bored and Christopher is upset that he's not getting to play. I decided to have a little talk with Christopher about how mommy can't do everything by herself so when I ask him for help it's because we're a family. We're there to help each other. He shrugs me off and goes to playing video games.

I get to my list:
clothes in the dryer
2 loads of dirty clothes
2 loads of diaper laundry
picking up massive amounts of kid clutter
dirty dishes
unpacking from Little Giggles
oh, and maybe getting to eat something for lunch

It's 2:00 PM and I'm exhausted, frustrated, and feeling like a bad mother....

I think I'm just going to stop here. I still have to pack all the kids up to take them to Christopher's gymnastics lesson, attend my weight watchers meeting, pick up the house again, make dinners, give baths, finish laundry, nurse another 7 times, etc. I'm sounding like whine bag and everything that's coming from my mind is negative. All I want to do is stuff my face with the chips and cookies that I stare at all day long. But remind myself they're not weight watchers approved, get mad that I can't have them, then get over it.

Annabelle is now crying and I realize nothing on my list is going to get done. She took a whole 40 minute nap...

What I do know is that my job is hard, stressful, exhausting, frustrating, and endless. But it's also awesome, beautiful, important, and God sees... He hears my heart, and gave me a wonderful husband to help. I couldn't do it without that man for sure. I'm blessed and today was just another day. It's okay that I'm frustrated and would trade places with David in an instant. Tomorrow may be exactly like today but it's another day living in God's grace and that's AMAZING!
